The Old Ladies is a tic-tac-toe game developed using MonoGame. It is a classic game where two players take turns marking X and O on a 3x3 grid. The objective is to get three of your marks in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

This is the first game I’ve made and it’s just my exploratory take on how to write games with MonoGame. It’e been a fun and exciting experience, as I’ve been strugling with game development for a few years. For context (if you didn’t noticed yet) I’m a seasoned software developer, been working in a lot of big and small projects since 2010 and writing software was never an issue for me, but games…. games hit me differently.

After a ton of frustrated attempts of making a simple game, I’ve decided to start a simple and small game, a simple puzzle to get used to the framework and platform itself. The language, C# is one of the first languages I’ve learned, but never mastered, but it was always a language that I kept in my heart, so this wasn’t a blocker for me. MonoGame is a new take on the former XNA framework created by Microsoft. This is something I’ve always liked, as it gave me the tools to make whatever I want, instead of giving me a more restrict approach. So now let’s get back to the game.


  • Play against a friend or against the computer
  • Multiple difficulty levels for the AI opponent
  • Cross-platform support: available for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android


You can download the latest version of The Old Ladies for your platform from the following links:


The Old Ladies is released under the MIT License, which is one of the most permissive open source licenses available. This means that you are free to use, modify, and distribute the game as long as you include the original license and copyright notice.


If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to contact us at We would be happy to assist you.


We would like to thank the following individuals and projects for their contributions to The Old Ladies:


Here are some screenshots of The Old Ladies in action:

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3



  • ci: adding security workflow by @paulushcgcj in
  • feat: adding automated release by @paulushcgcj in
  • doc: adding documentation by @paulushcgcj in

New Contributors

  • @paulushcgcj made their first contribution in

Full Changelog: